This is a website to share photos from my personal image collection. The photographs presented on this website are for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. No money/fees are generated by this website. If you believe that this website has infringed on your copyright of an image, please let me know, and I will remove the image from this website (contact e-mail below).
I have collected approximately 30,000+ nineteenth and early twentieth century images - primarily cartes de visite (CDVs) and cabinet cards from various sources. However, also included in this collection are tintypes (cased and un-cased), tintype button images, ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, salt prints, opalotypes, cyanotypes, stereographs / stereo views, real photo postcards (RPPC), early twentieth century postcards, and albums of various types. Unlike many other published collections that feature specific genres, this amassment is devoted to all people… and what I can afford.
Processing the complete collection will take some time. Thus, this website is merely a template of what is hopefully to come. (Only a fraction of the images/photographers in this collection are currently posted.)
I hope you will find this website helpful for locating images of relatives, genealogy, fashion, research, images to be used in publications, … or just good ol' curiosity!
Notice 1: I will beginnning to reconstruct my website now utilizing EverWeb. This will take some time. Thank you for your patience! TPP
Notice 2: I have decided to post, and in some cases repost, images to Find-a-Grave that are part of my collection. I am grateful images I have purchased are already listed on the Find-A-Grave website, for it helps family members locate images of their ancestors. Many 19th century images were produced by the dozen for distribution to family and friends. The photos I post will be watermarked with the image’s location, so individuals can locate my website and search for other family members… and hopefully share more information with me to post in the future. Thanks for your understanding and assistance! TPP
My Find-a-Grave Profile is: Fram2112 - please follow if you like.
Thanks for looking!
[Please note: All images shown are in our personal collection. None are for sale. If you would like a higher resolution scan of a particular portrait image (of an individual) to be sent via E-mail, please ask. No fee will be charged. Just please give me a little time to locate the image. Please refer to the “Legal/Notes” section.]
[Last updated: November 10, 2024.]

© T. P. Peter 2014 - 2024
© T. P. Peter 2014 - 2024