T. P. Peter Image Collection

A website dedicated to reunite individuals with images of their ancestors.

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Andrews, Ralph W. Photographers of the Frontier West: Their lives and their works. Bonanza Books, 1965.

Brown, Robert O. Collector’s Guide to 19th Century U.S. Traveling Photographers. Forest Grove, OR: Brown-Spath & Associates, 2002.

Clark, Gary W. Archive Photography: How to photograph oversize photos, curled documents, and heirloom treasures. PhotoTree.com, 2014.

Clark, Gary W. Cased Images & Tintypes Kwik Guide: A guide to identifying and dating daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and tintypes. PhotoTree.com, 2013.

Clark, Gary W. 19th Century Card Photos Kwik Guide: A step-by-step guide to identifying and dating cartes de visit and cabinet cards. PhotoTree.com, 2013.

Clark, Gary W. Real Photo Postcards Kwik Guide: A guide to identifying and dating real photo postcards of the 20th century. PhotoTree.com, 2013.

Clark, Gary W. 20th Century Photographs Kwik Guide: A step-by-step guide to identifying and dating vintage photos from 1900 to 1950. PhotoTree.com, 2016.

Clark, Gary W. Slides and Negatives: Digitizing and protecting your vintage film. PhotoTree.com, 2014.

Darrah, William C. Cartes de Visite: In nineteenth century photography. W. C. Darrah Publisher, 1981.

Darrah, William C. The World of Stereographs. Nashville, Tennsssee: Land Yacht Press, 1997.

Doyle, Marian I. An Illustrated History of Hairstyles: 1830-1930. Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2003.

Horton, David. Exposing America: Photographs from August 1, 1864 through July 31, 1866. Soundhole Publishing Company, 2006.

Lingle, Laurence. Unpublished work, 2014 - 2024.

Mace, O. Henry. Collector’s Guide to Early Photographs, 2nd ed. Krause Publications, 1999.

Mautz, Carl. Biographies of Western Photographers: A reference guide to photographers working in the 19th century American west. Carl Mautz Publishing, 1997.

Mautz, Carl. Biographies of Western Photographers, Expanded and Revised Edition: A reference guide to photographers working in the frontier American and Canadian west. Carl Mautz Publishing, 2018.

Moorshead, Halvor (ed). More Dating Old Photographs: 1840 - 1929. A Family Chronicle Publication, 2006.

Palmquist, Peter E. Lawrence & Houseworth, Thomas Houseworth & Co: A unique view of the west 1860-1886.. The National Stereoscopic Association, 1980.

Palmquist, Peter E. and Thomas R. Kailbourn. Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the continental divide: A biographical dictionary, 1839-1865. Stanford University Press, 2005.

Palmquist, Peter E. and Thomas R. Kailbourn. Pioneer Photographers of the Far West: A biographical dictionary, 1840-1865. Stanford University Press, 2000.

Palmquist, Peter E. (ed). Photographers: A sourcebook for historical research. Carl Mautz Publishing, 2000.

Reilly, James M. Care and Identification of 19th-Century Photographic Prints. Eastman Kodak Company. 1986.

Rodger, Gillian M. Champagne Charlie and Pretty Jemima: Variety theater in the nineteenth century. University of Illinois Press, 2010.

Severa, Joan. Dressed for the Photographer: Ordinary Americans and fashion, 1840 - 1900. The Kent State University Press, 1995.

Taylor, Maureen A. Preserving Your Family Photographs: How to care for your family photographs - from daguerreotypes to digital imaging. Picture Perfect Press, 2010.

Way, Fredrick, Jr. Way’s Packet Directory, 1848-1983. Ohio University Press, 1983.

Way, Fredrick, Jr. and Rutter, Joseph W. Way’s Steam Towboat Directory. Ohio University Press, 1990.